Please fill out the form below. NOTE: if you do not want to fill out a form, you are welcome to just call or email me with your ordering information.

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Order Form

Photo pricing: Any 1 photo is $35; if more than one photo is ordered, the second photo is $15. If more than 2 photos are ordered, the price is $10 per photo after the first 2. (i.e., 1 photo is $35, 2 photos are $50, 3 photos are $60, etc.)

Ordered photos will be placed in a Dropbox folder for your immediate access. The files will be provided in high resolution JPG format suitable for high quality photo prints up to approx 30" x 45.” A duplicate of each will be supplied in web-rez format suitable for online applications.

All content Copyright © 2020 Jason Roberts Creative.

All rights reserved.